Poster bibliography
Visual Sources
Background image: Puget Sound Chinook Subway System, Tulalip Tripes Natural Resources. https://nr.tulaliptribes.com/Base/File/NR-PDF-ProgramsGIS-PugetSoundSystem
Epistemology: created by author using Canva
Historical Analysis Left: @twulshootseed Instagram account. November 17, 2022. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIFkO54Lk3R/?hl=en
Historical Analysis Right: City of Seattle Public Libraries. Scan by author
Critical Cartography Left: Feral Atlas website. https://feralatlas.org
Critical Cartography Right: Thorp, Jer. In the Map Room. Medium, May 9th, 2018. https://blprnt.medium.com/in-the-map-room-cd6b06bf2139.
Textual Sources
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